CCleaner Free Download For Windows

CCleaner is a small, effective utility for computers running Microsoft Windows that cleans out the 'junk' that accumulates over time: temporary files, broken shortcuts, and other problems.

CCleaner protects your privacy. It cleans your browsing history and temporary internet files, allowing you to be a more confident Internet user and less susceptible to identity theft.

CCleaner can clean unneeded files from various programs saving you hard disk space, remove unneeded entries in the Windows Registry, help you uninstall software and select which programs start with Windows.

What can you use it for?

From its name, you can guess that CCleaner is used to clean up your system. In fact, the first 'C' in CCleaner stands for the 'crap' that it can clean out. It has other uses too:

Privacy: Delete passwords, Internet files, configuration files, and remove System Restore points from a shared PC.
Security: Clean out files from a PC you're giving away or selling. You can also wipe free space so the remnants of any files you deleted previously will be erased forever.
Speed: Speed up your computer by removing unneeded files. Speed up boot times by reducing the number of programs that start with Windows.
Stability: Enable Windows to run more smoothly with a clean Registry.
Space: Free up hard drive space by deleting unnecessary files. Detect and remove duplicate files that clutter up your PC.
Real-time Protection (CCleaner Professional Only): Clean online traces every time you close Internet Explorer, Chrome, or another browser. Check and clean your PC regularly and automatically.

CCleaner has many abilities, but it can't do everything. Here's a list of what it can and can't do.

CCleaner can:

Protect your Web browsing privacy on a shared or public computer by deleting passwords and other temporary Internet files, so that nobody will be able to see where you've been. CCleaner Professional can also delete browser tracks every time you close your Internet browser – automatically or on demand.

Protect your privacy for many Windows applications by removing information about files and folders you've accessed using them.
Remove traces of documents you've already deleted by securely wiping free disk space.
Clean up the Windows Registry by removing information that's incorrect or no longer needed.
Reduce memory load and speed up boot times by letting you specify which programs automatically start with Windows.

Uninstall software easily - even when the Windows Control Panel Add/Remove Programs applet won't let you.

Manage your cookies - tiny files on your PC that Web sites use to track your visits.
Find duplicate files - recover hard drive space and declutter your PC.
What CCleaner can't do:

CCleaner can't detect or remove viruses, spyware, or malware. Check out

 http://www.filehippo.com/software/antivirus for antivirus software, and  http://www.filehippo.com/software/antispyware for anti-spyware utilities.

CCleaner can't defragment your hard drive. We've written a free program called Defraggler that will do just that - check it out.

CCleaner can't recover deleted or corrupted files. Our other great free product, Recuva can!


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